Category: Poverty

Musician’s book brings deep insights about strengthening community

For those of us committed to building strong, resilient caring communities, there is a fabulous new book available that’s filled with insights and stories detailing how communities have created a powerful sense of belonging.

Podcast Episode 17: Sarah Brooks discusses how the Methow Conservancy builds community This episode features Sarah Brooks, the ebullient associate director of the Methow Conservancy, a land conservation organization that is modeling creative community building in North Central Washington beyond the normal mission for a...

Podcast Episode 12: Bishop William Skylstad to speak about moral dimensions of climate change

[podcast src=”” height=”90″ width=”450″ placement=”top”]This podcast features Bishop Emeritus William Skylstad of Spokane, who has been an outspoken advocate  of the need to find a principled balance between the needs of human beings and...