Growth in Give NCW effort shows the power, innovation of Community Foundation
It is remarkable how our Community Foundation of North Central Washington continues to find innovative ways to foster philanthropy and make positive things happen in our region.
The continued growth of the Give NCW campaign in terms of the number of people making contributions and the total amount contributed is just the latest example of the organization’s effectiveness.

In the years prior to 2015, the foundation partnered with The Wenatchee World to raise between $25,000 and $40,000 a year from the community for critical community programs. But community giving was supercharged when the foundation offered an online catalog called Give NCW that raised funds for up to two dozen nonprofits who were already receiving CFNCW’s regional impact grants. The model, borrowed from other foundations, has been transformative.
In 2015, the community contributed $147,000, and that number has grown every year since. This year’s campaign raised nearly $279,000 in community contributions. Thirteen organizations raised enough money to fully fund their projects for 2019. Those accomplishments reflect the tremendous sense of philanthropy that exists in our communities.
One appealing aspect of the campaign is that it fosters a greater sense of collaboration with nonprofits doing important work in helping our neighbors in need. Not only is this project promoted by media outlets like The World, but it is also boosted by the nonprofits themselves. It helps these nonprofits build greater awareness of their programs and the needs they serve as well as expand the number of people who make financial contributions. I suspect many givers keep on giving.
Another inspiring part is that Give NCW encourages anyone and everyone to contribute. The minimum contribution is just $10, so it’s something that just about anyone can participate in. One cool project was initiated by the class of Washington Elementary teacher Jana Sutton. The kids created a homeless shelter donation box and raised funds for the Women’s Resource Center.
Community members are finding unique ways of giving. In chatting with the folks at the foundation, I learned that 59 people gave funds in memory of or in honor of other people. What a nice way to pay tribute to people who have contributed to your own life. A number of people, including CFNCW board member Mark Spurgeon, allowed family members to choose what causes to support in lieu of Christmas gifts.
The most recent campaign also saw a record number of donations from people who chose to split their donations among all of the organizations. About $16,000 for the “Give to All” netted $667 for every organization.
The project that raised the most community funds this year was Planned Parenthood, which brought in nearly $38,000 for free cervical cancer screenings. Coming in a close second was the Women’s Resource Center, which raised slightly more than $37,000 and Northwest Immigrant Rights Project totaled nearly $31,000.
In the five years of the campaign, more than $1 million has been raised from community members to support critical programs. We owe the foundation our gratitude for helping us connect with our nonprofits in meaningful ways and supporting those organizations throughout the year through direct financial support, training and other projects.
The more we can support programs that meet the needs of our neighbors rather than relying on outside help, the better. Helping those in need is a part of our DNA.
We look forward to partnering with the foundation to make an even bigger impact in 2020.