Podcast episode 63: Rural values key to Mae Hamilton’s success in life
My guest for this episode is Mae Hamilton, who at 90 years young is a dynamic seasoned real estate professional and community leader who still has lots to give to our valley.

From growing up in a home on a rural Douglas County farm to getting a degree at Washington State College, running a business and then selling real estate, Mae has learned to be an effective listener. She also is a life-long learner who is eager to step into challenges as she embraces being an elder in community.
On September 8, 2 p.m. at Snowy Owl Theater in Leavenworth, Mae will be one of four elders who will talk about their life experience at the Elder Speak event put on by the Ripple Foundation. Mae Hamilton has energy to burn and a passion for creating a better community. We should find a way to tap into her talents and expertise as our valley transforms.