Exploring the power of collaboration and civic engagement in North Central Washington
Business experience, masters in arts leadership and background in acting and producing will be useful to build PAC sustainability J. Woody Lotts, the new executive director at the Numerica Performing Arts Center, has his...
Ruth Allan, one of the Wenatchee Valley’s artistic and human treasures, is turning 90 years old on Saturday and we are invited to help her celebrate by sending birthday cards and, if possible, make...
Former KOZI Radio owner Jerry Isenhart is sitting on a historical gold mine of recorded interviews featuring people from all walks of life in the Chelan-Manson area and elsewhere in North Central Washington. Isenhart,...
Facebook has been catching a lot of heat lately, and deservedly so, for ignoring its own research showing the destructive ways that the platform is impacting our society. I don’t think it’s too much...
The Wenatchee World family of retirees lost another member recently when Charles “Bud” Preston passed away Sept. 27 at age 94. Bud worked for the paper for more than four decades. As I recall...
It’s gratifying to see the Community Foundation of North Central Washington, one of the most effective community-enhancing organizations in the region, has updated its logo, upgraded its website and changed the tag line to...
With the exception of some curbside recycling programs in North Central Washington Communities, figuring out what you can recycle and the appropriate way to dispose of waste items can be a very difficult and...
I never get tired of writing about the people in our midst who have the vision, strength of will and determination to make important contributions to the well-being of our communities. These are the...
Rick Schrader remember’s how uncomfortable and out of place he felt when he moved to Wenatchee as a junior high school student. One fellow student made it a point to befriend Schrader and invite...
Randi Morrell, one of this valley’s most effective leaders in empowering those with special needs to live full and productive lives, died recently. He was a 40-year employee of Mission Vista, an agency helping...