Podcast Episode 19: Travis Hornby and the community building work of the Evergreen Mountain Bike Alliance
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This episode features Travis Hornby, the president of the local chapter of the Evergreen Mountain Bike Alliance, an organization that builds partnerships with private and public agencies to build trails for equestrians, hikers and mountain bikers. In the last five years, the local group has built 30 miles of trails at Echo Ridge, near Leavenworth and in the Wenatchee Valley. The development of these trails makes access to our public lands easier for our community and also encourages economic development through tourism. These folks are experts at building sustainable trails and maintaining them. They have transformed Squilchuck State Park with multi-use trails and are working with the Forest Service to develop a trailhead and 30 miles of trails at the head of Number 2 Canyon. They are doing amazing community building here.
Horny, who ran for Chelan County Commissioner a few years ago, spent a lot of time as a youngster visiting our valley, skiing at Mission Ridge and enjoying the beauty of this place. He and his wife, a local pediatrician, are part of a group of people who have made the valley their home and are contributing to making it a better place to live.